Map/Washington/Maple Valley

Maple Valley personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $59,397

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $890
ENERGY Plumbing $75
ENERGY Electrician $67
ENERGY Door and Window $1500
ENERGY Insulation $1150
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $12650
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings

Maple Valley

Maple Valley, WA, founded in 1997, is a scenic city near the Cascade foothills. Known for its high-ranked schools, ample parks, and family-friendly vibe, it's a nature lover's haven with trails and lakes, boasting a growing population of 25,000+. It hosts popular events, including Maple Valley Days, and supports a robust community-centered lifestyle.

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energy icon


Maple Valley, WA, has made significant progress in enhancing energy efficiency within its community. The city has adopted a comprehensive sustainability plan that focuses on reducing energy consumption and increasing the use of renewable resources. Local initiatives include the promotion of solar panel installations through subsidies and streamlined permitting processes. The community boasts a growing number of homes and businesses with solar installations, contributing to decreased reliance on non-renewable energy sources. Energy efficiency programs offered by utility companies provide residents with incentives for upgrading to more energy-efficient appliances and for conducting home energy audits. The city has also invested in energy-efficient public buildings and street lighting, with LED lights now being the standard for city illumination. Maple Valley encourages green building practices by offering developers incentives such as expedited permitting for projects that meet high energy efficiency standards. Furthermore, the city has engaged in educational campaigns to inform citizens about the benefits of energy conservation and how to implement it in their daily lives.

energy icon


Maple Valley's water efficiency measures revolve around sustainable water use and conservation. The city has employed advanced metering infrastructure to accurately monitor and reduce water leakage in the distribution system, ensuring that water loss is kept to a minimum. Residential water conservation is encouraged through rebate programs for water-efficient appliances and fixtures such as low-flow toilets and showerheads. Rain barrel distribution events are common, promoting the collection of rainwater for landscaping purposes. Xeriscaping, the practice of landscaping with drought-resistant plants, is encouraged to reduce outdoor water use. Maple Valley's utilities department offers free water audits to residents, helping them identify ways to conserve water and manage their utility bills more effectively. The local government has established regulations on water usage during peak summer months to prevent overconsumption. Educational programs focusing on the importance of water conservation are provided to schools and the community at large. Additionally, initiatives to protect and restore local waterways ensure the long-term sustainability of the city's water resources.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Maple Valley has seen improvements with the expansion of public transit services and promotion of alternative transportation methods. The city has increased the number of bus routes and schedules to ensure better connectivity and convenience for residents. Bike-sharing programs and the development of bike lanes have been aimed at encouraging cycling as a viable method of transportation. Maple Valley has also invested in pedestrian infrastructure, enhancing the safety and accessibility of sidewalks and crosswalks to promote walking. To decrease traffic congestion and carbon emissions, the city supports carpooling initiatives and has installed electric vehicle charging stations at strategic public locations. There are incentives for residents who purchase electric or hybrid vehicles, including tax rebates and reduced registration fees. Maple Valley's long-term transportation plans include exploring options for more efficient traffic management and integrating technological advancements such as smart traffic signals. The city is committed to creating a comprehensive and efficient transportation network that meets the needs of all residents while minimizing environmental impact.

energy icon


Waste management in Maple Valley is characterized by a robust recycling and composting program that diverts a significant amount of waste from landfills. The city has implemented a curbside collection program for recyclables, yard waste, and food scraps, aiming to reduce the volume of waste generated. There are also special collection events for hazardous household materials, preventing improper disposal. Local government supports waste reduction through public education initiatives and partnerships with schools to foster a culture of recycling and composting among younger generations. A 'pay-as-you-throw' garbage collection fee structure incentivizes residents to minimize waste and maximize recycling and composting. Maple Valley also promotes community involvement through cleanup events in parks and public spaces, encouraging residents to take an active role in maintaining a clean and sustainable environment. The city is exploring advanced waste management technologies, such as anaerobic digestion facilities, to further enhance waste diversion and generate renewable energy. Businesses in the area are encouraged to participate in waste reduction programs and are recognized for sustainable practices.